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Omslag van "Statistics, 13th edition" door McClave en Sincich, met daarop vierkante staafjes krijt in warme kleuren.

product title: MyLab Statistics for McClave, Statistics, 13th Global edition

ISBN: 9781292187501

  • Editie: 13
  • Publicatiejaar: 2023
Normale prijs
€ 59,90
Inclusief btw
* Afhankelijk van uw aankoop kunnen levertijden variëren: Printboeken (inclusief printboeken + MyLab code) worden tussen 3 en 10 werkdagen geleverd – Digitale producten binnen enkele uren.

A Contemporary Classic 

Classic, yet contemporary; theoretical, yet applied—McClave & Sincich’s Statistics gives you the best of both worlds. This text offers a trusted, comprehensive introduction to statistics that emphasizes inference and integrates real data throughout. The authors stress the development of statistical thinking, the assessment of credibility, and value of the inferences made from data. This new edition is extensively revised with an eye on clearer, more concise language throughout the text and in the exercises.