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Omslag van "Organizational Behavior, 19th edition" door Roberts en Judge, met daarop drie dolfijnen.

product title: Organizational Behavior, Global Edition, 19th edition (eTextbook)

ISBN: 9781292472843

Normale prijs
€ 38,10
Inclusief btw
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Provides the information you want, when you want it.

Reflecting the most recent research and events within the field of OB, Organizational Behavior, 19th Edition, continues its hallmark focus on clear writing, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. There's a reason why Robbins's textbooks have educated millions of students and have been translated into 20 languages: because of a commitment to provide engaging, cutting-edge material that helps you understand and connect with this important field of study.

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  • Intuitive search and audiobook*
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