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Omslag van "Auditing and Assurance Services, Global Edition, 18th edition" door Arens, Elder, Beasley en Hogan, met daarop een ijsberg. Zowel het deel boven als onder water is zichtbaar, en er zwemt een walvis langs.

product title: Auditing and Assurance Services, Global Edition, 18th edition

ISBN: 9781292745855

Regular price
€ 38,10
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Format types

eTextbook = A standalone digital replacement of a print textbook. You have 3 access durations to choose from to best suit your course. (180 day/12 month/5 years). Does not include access to the MyLab platform.

Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach, the definitive introductory text on auditing, focuses on the auditor's decision-making process—whether during a financial statement audit or during an integrated audit of both financial statements and internal control over financial reporting. Comprehensive and up to date, the text uses examples from the complex, current global auditing environment, such as the United Kingdom's Financial Reporting Council highlighting a lack of skepticism as a major concern; the challenges of auditing crypto-assets; and the debate over climate-related risk assessment, to illustrate the nature and amount of evidence gathering needed at each engagement.

Using key audit decisions—like establishing the objectives in a given audit area; identifying the risks related to the engagement; determining the evidence needed; and evaluating the evidence obtained—as its foundation, this text equips students with the skills to successfully conduct an audit according to internationally recognized financial reporting frameworks.

The 18th Edition, Global Edition, contains the latest standards and codes as well as new data analysis and sample CPA-style questions to help you prepare for the actual exam.


Key features

  • Core concepts and examples covering financial instruments, SOC reports, preparation services, and auditor judgement emphasize current auditing practices and issues.
  • An international focus teaches students about auditing standards around the world.
  • Concept Checks in every chapter highlight short-answer questions to help students recap content covered within different sections.
  • An annual report and other financial statements for Starkwood Group illustrate chapter concepts.
  • A Pinnacle Manufacturing integrated case gives students a better understanding of how the different parts of an audit form the auditing process.
  • Datasets let students perform audit data analytics related to the sales and collection cycle for hypothetical company, JA Tire Manufacturing.